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"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" - Patrick Henry

Last Chance For Convention Discounts

This is convention season for the Libertarian Party at all levels- locally, state, and national. The latter two charge fees to attendees, but offer early bird discounts.

Libertarian Party of Indiana - Register before April 1 for $20 off. Follow this link.

Libertarian Party, national - Register before April 1 for discounts. Follow this link. There are also hotel stay discounts on that page.

But the Hamilton County Convention of the Libertarian Party is the first one to happen. Be sure to attend!

When: Thursday, April 15
Where: Claude & Annie's, SR 37 & E.141st in Fishers
Times: Dinner at 6pm, Business Meeting at 7:30pm
Speaker: Mark Rutherford, ex-State Chair, candidate for national Vice Chair
Cost: Dinner as ordered from the menu; Business Meeting is free

RSVP to mikekole (a) comcast . net is greatly appreciated, especially for dinner head count.

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posted by Mike Kole @ 7:45 PM, ,