Calling All Volunteers!
Saturday, July 14, 2012
The Libertarian Party has a slate of excellent candidates who will be on the ballot in November.
President - Gary Johnson
Vice President - Jim Gray
Indiana Governor - Rupert Boneham
Lt. Governor - Brad Klopfenstein
US Senate - Andy Horning
US Representative, District 5 - Chard Reid
One of our top objectives is to staff every polling place in Hamilton County with volunteers passing out palm cards and encouraging voters to vote for these superb candidates. The preference is to have people staff their home precinct polling place.
Get in touch with Mike Kole to get involved! Email: mikekole (a)
We also have events upcoming such as the 4-H Fair, and the Atlanta Festival, which we will staff. We'll go door-to-door, host meet-n-greets, and engage in countless other ways to boost our candidates. Let's come together for liberty!
Labels: 4-H Fair, Andy Horning, Atlanta, Brad Klopfenstein, Chard Reid, election day, Gary Johnson, Jim Gray, polling place, Rupert Boneham
posted by Mike Kole @ 9:51 PM,
2012 Candidates
Gary Johnson - President
Indiana For Gary Johnson Facebook page link
Jim Gray -Vice President
Andy Horning - US Senate
Chard Reid - US Representative, District 5
posted by Michael Jarrell @ 8:46 PM,
Hoosier Libertarian Bloggers
Rex Bell
Chris Spangle
Mike Kole
Mark Rutherford
Eric Schansberg
posted by Michael Jarrell @ 5:13 PM,
Libertarian Links
Libertarian Party of Indiana Links
Libertarian Party of Indiana
LPIN Podcasts
LP 101 - The Basics Of Libertarianism
Libertarian Party of Marion County / Indianapolis
Libertarians of Notre Dame
Libertarian Party of LaPorte County
National Libertarian Party Links
Libertarian Party (National)
Libertarian Party By-Laws Committee
Libertarian Party Platform
Libertarian News and Commentary
Reason/Hit and Run
Reason Magazine
Tom Woods
The Libertarian Enterprise
Strike The Root
The Agitator
Lew Rockwell
Mises Blog
Rational Review
Libertarian Organisations
Foundation for Economic EducationInternational Society for Individual Liberty
Ludwig von Mises Institute
The Liberty Coalition
The CATO Institute
Advocates for Self-Government
The Future of Freedom Foundation
The Libertarian Futurists Society
The Independent Institute
Libertarians For Peace
Neo-Libertarian Links
Q and O Online
Movement of the Libertarian Left
Terry Michael - Thoughts From A libertarian Democrat
Classical Liberalism
freeman, libertarian critter
Independent Country
In The Libertarian Labyrinth
Mutualist Blog
Center For A Stateless Society
Individualist/Anarchist/Voluntaryist/Libertarian Links
Rebellion Coffee Company
Bill St. ClaireSunni and the ConspiratorsWendy McElroy
The Voluntaryist
The Austro-Athenian EmpireThe Molinari Institute
posted by Michael Jarrell @ 11:08 AM,